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Urgent need to prepare for mandatory collection and recycling tools

PRO Vietnam's representative stated it is urgent to evaluating projects and other pilot models on waste collection and recycling from now to 2024 to choose the right one to be replicated, aiming at implementing the EPR policy tool.

Promoting ESG for sustainable development of private enterprises

The adoption of environmental, social and governance (ESG) criteria in private enterprises is a driver of innovation and new opportunities, creating long-term value for business and society.

Sustainability trends urge firms to move more quickly

Shifting to green economy and green growth will help businesses increase their competitiveness and catch up with trends on the domestic and foreign markets.

Local firms lack awaness of circular economy

Vietnamese enterprises’ knowledge about circular business is limited, with only 20 – 30 per cent clear and 3 – 6 per cent very clear, according to CIEM’s survey.

Firms pushed to switch to sustainable packaging

As more consumers become aware of environment safety and the concept of circular economy becoming more influential in Vietnam, enterprises need to switch to packaging that meets sustainability requirements and is easily recyclable to stay competitive.

Dairy enterprises take actions to build circular economy

Dairy businesses in Vietnam are pioneering in applying circular economy solutions on their progresses.

Custormer power in closing say-do gap

Leaders can keep in mind that consumer power can scale change, and it is need to make sustainable choices easier for consumers.

Applying circular economy to increase resilience

The circular economy is an alternative to traditional linear economies, where people take resources, make things, consume them and throw them away. This way of living uses up finite raw materials and produces vast quantities of waste.

ESG key to sustainable development

Lots of business in private enterprises take actions to pursuing sustainable development, aiming at creating better corporate and society in a whole.

Key factors promote effective EPR tool

Developing a modern, standard waste collection, recycling and treatment system is key requirement to effectively implementing the EPR tool, helping businesses save on the cost.

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95.18 0.67 0.71
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