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Vietnam tourism faces competitiveness drop: Time to address limitations

Vietnam's recent drop in the Tourism Development Competitiveness Index underscores traditional bottlenecks in the tourism sector and highlights the crucial role of stakeholders in addressing these challenges.

Stock indexes
1,261.24 4.68 0.37
Volume: 878,371,266 Value: 20,811 (Billions VNĐ)
239.68 -0.51 -0.21
Volume: 52,189,920 Value: 1,132 (Billions VNĐ)
98.9 0.07 0.07
Volume: 66,179,561 Value: 1,254 (Billions VNĐ)
1,291.3 2.5 0.19
Volume: 360,677,953 Value: 9,601 (Billions VNĐ)