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The story behind Vietnam's recycled plastic bottles in America

Instead of importing scrap, a Vietnamese business is taking advantage of local waste, recycling it right in the country to produce high-quality products and then, to sell to the big market US and Europe.

Applying circular economy to increase resilience

The circular economy is an alternative to traditional linear economies, where people take resources, make things, consume them and throw them away. This way of living uses up finite raw materials and produces vast quantities of waste.

Tetra Pak, PRO Vietnam and BVRio Carton launch carton recycling investment programme

Taking place in Ho Chi Minh City until March 2023, the project aims to recycle 3000 tonnes of cartons recovered from the environment by around 200 informal waste collectors.

Experience of waste sorting in some leading countries

Source separation of waste is seen as core solution in the circular economy application, and has been applied by countries having high recycling rates.

Five barriers in boosting the circular economy

Significant challenges remain in terms of gaining widespread buy-in from manufacturers to use of recycled materials instead of virgin raw materials.

When rivals have to work together

The efforts of rivals on plastics could speed key changes to benefit both the planet and their bottom lines.

Attracting investment in recycling and circular economy

Financial institutions and investment funds have to face some obstacles im making investment into plastic recycling sector.

Stock indexes
1,242.11 8.92 0.72
Volume: 458,792,190 Value: 11,853 (Billions VNĐ)
236.66 1.41 0.6
Volume: 36,749,608 Value: 797 (Billions VNĐ)
95.18 0.67 0.71
Volume: 47,049,019 Value: 700 (Billions VNĐ)
1,281.84 9.66 0.76
Volume: 153,268,629 Value: 5,397 (Billions VNĐ)