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Unraveling the causes behind sharp rise in airfare prices

A multitude of complex factors has contributed to the continuous upward trajectory in airfare prices anticipated in the coming years.

Stock indexes
1,245.32 -13.77 -1.09
Volume: 840,428,178 Value: 20,857 (Billions VNĐ)
237.59 -2.48 -1.03
Volume: 76,490,833 Value: 1,418 (Billions VNĐ)
97.54 -0.99 -1
Volume: 84,531,238 Value: 1,403 (Billions VNĐ)
1,278.32 -10.71 -0.83
Volume: 280,506,551 Value: 8,906 (Billions VNĐ)