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EU-Vietnam free trade deal gets green light in trade committee

The Committee on International Trade backed the free trade and investment protection agreements between the EU and Vietnam on Tuesday.

Persisting external headwinds remain the biggest risk to Vietnam’s growth

A possible deceleration in 2020 growth of Vietnam's main export markets would weigh on its growth.

CPTPP enters into force in Vietnam today

Businesses are certain to benefit from greater clarity at a time of trade-policy turbulence as well as from improved access to 500 million consumers when the Comprehensive and Progressive Agreement for Trans-Pacific Partnership goes live in Vietnam today.

Stock indexes
1,242.11 8.92 0.72
Volume: 458,792,190 Value: 11,853 (Billions VNĐ)
236.66 1.41 0.6
Volume: 36,749,608 Value: 797 (Billions VNĐ)
95.18 0.67 0.71
Volume: 47,049,019 Value: 700 (Billions VNĐ)
1,281.84 9.66 0.76
Volume: 153,268,629 Value: 5,397 (Billions VNĐ)