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Thailand and Indonesia dominated imported cars last week

Automobiles registered for customs clearance last week were mainly from Thailand and Indonesia, accounting for 85 per cent of the total imported cars into Vietnam last week.

Tax-free automobiles imported from Thailand surges

Last week, the number of Thailand's cars with nine or fewer seats imported to Vietnam increased by 1,000 units to reach 1,674 units.

Indonesian tax-free automobiles massively enter Vietnam

There were up to 1,995 cars with nine or fewer seats imported to Vietnam last week, mostly from Indonesia and Thailand.

Import of automobiles decreases by 11 per cent

Automobiles entering Vietnam last week were mostly manufactured in Thailand with 2,122 units.

Import of automobiles to Vietnam from Germany and Japan increases

Last week, the number of automobiles imported to Vietnam reached 3,065 units, nearly 60 per cent higher than the previous week.

Prices of imported cars reduced after obstacles gradually being removed

Prices of Honda Vietnam’s 2,000 automobiles recently imported from Thailand have been announced to be thousand dollars lower than those of the previous shipments as the import tariff on automobiles has been reduced to zero per cent.

Only 500 CBU vehicles imported in the first two months into Vietnam

In the first two months of 2018, CBU (completely built-up) vehicles imported in Vietnam dropped sharply, equivalent to 3.5 per cent in number and 11.5 per cent in value compared to the same period last year.

Government responds to the Decree 116 on harnessing automobile import

The incurring matters of the Government’s Decree No. 116/2017/ND-CP as well as the unavailable circular guiding the Decree have caused many difficulties to automobile importers.

Customs bodies to publicize price and origin of imported cars once a week

Due to insufficient information on the imported cars provided by customs departments, Director General of Vietnam Customs Nguyen Van Can has requested the functional bodies under Vietnam Customs and the local customs departments once a week to publicize the information such as price, quantity, type of automobiles imported into Vietnam since 2018.

“New barrier” on automobile import

The Government’s Decree No. 116/2017/ND-CP which came in full force and effect on January 01, 2018, is viewed as a “new barrier" to protect domestic automobile industry from the automobiles imported from ASEAN entitled to a zero per cent tariff, according to automobile importers and exporters.

Stock indexes
1,242.11 8.92 0.72
Volume: 458,792,190 Value: 11,853 (Billions VNĐ)
236.66 1.41 0.6
Volume: 36,749,608 Value: 797 (Billions VNĐ)
95.18 0.67 0.71
Volume: 47,049,019 Value: 700 (Billions VNĐ)
1,281.84 9.66 0.76
Volume: 153,268,629 Value: 5,397 (Billions VNĐ)