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Persisting external headwinds remain the biggest risk to Vietnam’s growth

A possible deceleration in 2020 growth of Vietnam's main export markets would weigh on its growth.

55 per cent of German companies in Vietnam want to expand operation

German business leaders in Vietnam maintain a positive view on the economic expectation and their situation in the country in 2019 and 2020.

CPTPP has started to benefit Vietnam's economy

After four months of implementing CPTPP, Vietnam’s trade with Canada, Mexico and Japan has increased by over 70 per cent, 8 per cent and 4 per cent, respectively.

KPMG lawyer explains why even Bill Gates couldn't get a work permit as an expert for Vietnam

Foreign workers, especially who are intra-company transferees, are coping with difficulties of obtaining work permits and enjoying social insurance exemptions.

CPTPP enters into force in Vietnam today

Businesses are certain to benefit from greater clarity at a time of trade-policy turbulence as well as from improved access to 500 million consumers when the Comprehensive and Progressive Agreement for Trans-Pacific Partnership goes live in Vietnam today.

Ten notable economic and management issues of Vietnam in 2018

Here are ten eye-catching events related to the national economy and management in 2018 from TheLEADER's specs.

Ten outstanding economic events in 2018

2018 witnessed the comprehensive success of Vietnam's economy when all 12 socio-economic criteria have been fulfilled and many new records have been set.

CPTPP may open risky business environment for Vietnam: Experts

Joining the Comprehensive and Progressive Agreement for Trans-Pacific Partnership offered Vietnam enormous challenges, which called for the determination and effort of the entire society to overcome and make full use of the benefits it brought about, according to high profile banking expert, PhD. Nguyen Tri Hieu.

Vietnam reached high consensus to ratify CPTPP

Receiving approval from all of the 469 deputies in attendance, the National Assembly officially ratified the Comprehensive and Progressive Agreement for Trans-Pacific Partnership and other relevant documents.

Party chief sworn in as new State President

The newly-elected State President Nguyen Phu Trong took an oath of office in late afternoon today, stating that Vietnam still faced many challenges ahead.

Stock indexes
1,242.11 8.92 0.72
Volume: 458,792,190 Value: 11,853 (Billions VNĐ)
236.66 1.41 0.6
Volume: 36,749,608 Value: 797 (Billions VNĐ)
95.18 0.67 0.71
Volume: 47,049,019 Value: 700 (Billions VNĐ)
1,281.84 9.66 0.76
Volume: 153,268,629 Value: 5,397 (Billions VNĐ)