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Expats opting for Vietnam to enjoy above-average salary

Average salaries for those who have relocated to Vietnam are $78,750, a little higher than the global mean of $75,966.

Expats in Vietnam earn over $90,000 each annually

Expats in Vietnam reveal that annually they earn on average $90,408 and one-fourth of them own property in Vietnam, according to an HSBC's annual survey.

Stock indexes
1,195.55 18.15 1.54
Volume: 233,148,637 Value: 5,620 (Billions VNĐ)
225.19 2.56 1.15
Volume: 25,423,853 Value: 482 (Billions VNĐ)
88.32 0.81 0.93
Volume: 6,392,751 Value: 102 (Billions VNĐ)
1,221.54 21.17 1.76
Volume: 84,895,504 Value: 2,691 (Billions VNĐ)